Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Natural Treasures of Monvert

      Monvert is on of the rare remnant native forests which has less suffered from urbanisation. It is found 2 Km only from the town of Curepipe and extends over an area of 73 Ha. The Nature Walk created in 2006 offers free and easy access to this wonderful world of nature. Native plants can be observed in their natural habitat. The Monvert Visitors Centre is the smart passport for you to initiate a documented tour as a Forest Officer is always available for adequate information.

Opening hours: 08.00 to 17.30 every day including Sundays and Public Holidays

Link to Monvert Visitors Centre is


Native plants are always considered as our natural assets and will capture your attention when you sense it. I introduce you to some of those rare treasures

Barleria observatrix
, Critically Endangered Endemic of Corps De Garde Mountain. 

Bois banane

Gaertnera longifolia
, Bois banane à longues feuilles 

Tectiphiala ferox
, Palmiste bouclé, Critically Endangered Endemic palm tree of Mauritius

Endemic Ochna mauritiana, Bouquet banané, former National flower of Mauritius

Colea colei
, Bois margoze, Endangered Endemic plant bearing bitter gourd like fruits